For several years I wrote for CNN. I was an iReporter. To ensure substance each article was checked by one of the editors. Sadly CNN stopped it after FAKE news became the new format in the “News Industry.” Some of my articles got a backup in the Internet Archive, like my 10 pics from Ars Electronica 2014 or The Singularity of Kumiko by Bryn Oh.

I found some more: INSANITY, End of Cloudparty, …

Some of my immersive art performances are also captured: T.A.L. is Back, Roots and War by JadeYu Fhang, It’s all experimental.

Sadly, only one of the many art projects I presented at CNN are conserved in the Archive: The Forest,

I wrote in CNN also about Santorini Biennale as artXploder. Sadly only a tiny link on my icon is all that is left.